Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Lucie Stephens's Blog (77)

Co-design and Co-production event - Victoria, Australia

An interesting event in Australia for any network members based out that way and for those interested in seeing how co-production ideas are evolving across the globe, 



Added by Lucie Stephens on March 6, 2012 at 12:24 — No Comments

new social value law could help make the case for co-production to commissioners

Social value is to become key part of public service contracts. The public services social value bill completed its final passage in the Lords yesterday (Tuesday 28th Feb). The bill will require public services for the first time to explicitly consider how the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of an area is going to be improved by the commissioning of a service.

The bill applies to all local authorities, government departments, NHS bodies…


Added by Lucie Stephens on February 29, 2012 at 12:29 — No Comments

Co-production in housing

A new briefing has just been produced by the Housing Learning and Improvement Network focusing on Building Mutual Support and Social Capital in Retirement Communities. Lots of reference to co-production and some examples that could be transferable within the housing sector and beyond.

Have a look here and do share any thoughts back with the…


Added by Lucie Stephens on February 21, 2012 at 11:41 — No Comments

Innovations in Giving funding announced

The Innovation in Giving Fund was launched in September 2011 by Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society as part of a £34million package to increase levels of social action.

The first fiftenn projects to be funded are listed is here,

Many (but not all) are providing technology…


Added by Lucie Stephens on February 15, 2012 at 13:27 — No Comments

interesting talk on well-being

How can we create a better, happier and more sustainable future for everyone?

Nic Marks, is a nef colleague and one of the UK's leading experts on happiness and well-being. In his forthcoming public lecture he'll be looking at practical solutions to the big questions- from measuring wellbeing to the politics of happiness to actions we can take in our own lives and communities. There's more about the talk and a chance to sign up…


Added by Lucie Stephens on December 20, 2011 at 15:16 — No Comments

Conference on Time

ABOUT TIME: Examining the case for a shorter working week

LSE Public Lecture & drinks reception

11 January 2012, 6.00-7.30 pm, Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 2AE


Expert Colloquium (invitation-only)

12 January, 9.30 am - 3.30 pm

Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE Research Laboratory, Lionel Robbins…


Added by Lucie Stephens on November 30, 2011 at 15:34 — No Comments

new reports and evidence on reciprocal exchange

Hi there,

NESTA have published the shortlist of organisations who have successfully got through the first round of their innovations in giving funding. You'll see some familiar faces on the list. There are short (3 min) videos about each of the ideas which you might find illuminating or inspiring.

Also on the NESTA site is the…


Added by Lucie Stephens on November 24, 2011 at 16:12 — No Comments

Looking for implementation partners

nef is launching an exciting 30 month project which seeks to improve outcomes for young people and their families by improving the way that Services for Young People are designed, commissioned and delivered. Through our work with commissioners in Surrey, Camden and Kirklees, nef has developed the theory and application of both co-production and commissioning for outcomes.

nef has recently secured funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to support two local authorities in the…


Added by Lucie Stephens on November 8, 2011 at 11:43 — No Comments

Methods for developing consensus - crowd wise

I wanted to share with you some information about a participative decision-making method called Crowd Wise, developed by a colleague of mine, Perry Walker (now a nef fellow). I'm sure many of you will know of and use methods like Open Space and …


Added by Lucie Stephens on November 1, 2011 at 14:00 — 7 Comments

Social Action Fund launch - with funding available

The social action fund aims to 'inspire organisations to create new social action opportunities through people giving what they have, be that their time, their money, or their assets, knowledge and skills'. One key area they are looking to support is activity that 'encourages people to come together in their locality to support each other. Some priority will be given to people that don't traditionally get involved as volunteers'. They say they are particularly interested in…


Added by Lucie Stephens on October 6, 2011 at 6:00 — No Comments

Call for Proposals to increase giving and exchange of time, assets, skills, resources and money

NESTA - with the Office of Civil Society - has announced an open call for ideas to the £10 Million Innovations in Giving Fund. They say they are 'looking for proposals which have the potential to deliver a significant increase in the giving and exchange of time, assets, skills, resources and money'. They intend to 'invest in, support and grow innovative ideas that bring about a step-change in levels of giving and exchange and which have a credible route to becomming…


Added by Lucie Stephens on October 4, 2011 at 15:15 — No Comments

The Inclusive Community Experience - request for workshops

In-control have circulated details of the Inclusive Community Experience, to take place over 3 days on 29th, 30th and 31st January 2012 at Ribby Hall near Blackpool.

More information about the event is here, Inclusive Community Event 

If anyone would like to do a workshop to highlight their activity please contact…


Added by Lucie Stephens on October 4, 2011 at 11:01 — No Comments

Housing Local Improvement Network paper on Co-production

Merron Simpson has authored a viewpoint paper on 'co-production, personalisation and housing: improving outcomes for individuals and communities' for the Housing Local Improvement Network.

It contains a useful summary of relevant policy doc's for housing providers, some practical co-production examples and then makes practical suggestions on how to embed 'transformative co-production' within housing association activity.

The full paper can be downloaded here,…


Added by Lucie Stephens on August 31, 2011 at 11:54 — No Comments

Providing (paid for) practical support to people powered health pilots

NESTA and the Innovation Unit are supporting the design and delivery of 'innovative solutions for people that are living with long term health conditions' in six areas. In order to support the sites they are commissioning specialist support on;

- co-production

- commissioning

- new technologies

- leadership and change management

- service design and public participation

- economics/ business modelling

- impact measurement

- workforce…


Added by Lucie Stephens on August 23, 2011 at 16:43 — No Comments

NESTA is recruiting a 'Learning Lead'


NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) is seeking to recruit a Learning Lead to work across practical programmes to ensure they generate insights and evidence that are of use to public and social innovation practitioners and other external stakeholders.

The outline is here................. 

NESTA’s practical programmes represent a growing bank of knowledge about the methods and approaches that support…


Added by Lucie Stephens on August 23, 2011 at 15:40 — No Comments

Possible funding for innovation in social work

Does anyone know any social workers who want to experiment with co-production?

SCIE and partners are inviting proposals for Social Work Practice Pioneer Projects (SWPPPs).The SCIE website says, 'We are seeking proposals for projects that can demonstrate they have the potential to realise benefits for people using services. We are particularly interested in proposals that are pioneering and which focus on social work practice with adults. We want to see social work and…


Added by Lucie Stephens on August 4, 2011 at 16:27 — No Comments

Impact of climate change on Londoners lives

Colleagues at nef are involved in this project as part of their advisory group, so in this capacity I am circulating this to see if anyone would like to become involved. It would be great to see some co-production examples in this project and perhaps have the opportunity to explore if working co-productively makes communities more resilient to threats from climate change. Apologies for the use of 'vulnerable' in the project - the influencing work continues.....




Added by Lucie Stephens on July 27, 2011 at 9:31 — No Comments

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