Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Impact of climate change on Londoners lives

Colleagues at nef are involved in this project as part of their advisory group, so in this capacity I am circulating this to see if anyone would like to become involved. It would be great to see some co-production examples in this project and perhaps have the opportunity to explore if working co-productively makes communities more resilient to threats from climate change. Apologies for the use of 'vulnerable' in the project - the influencing work continues.....


Vulnerable Londoners and climate change project

Does your organisation work with older or disabled people in London?  Here’s a unique - and free - opportunity to take part in a project to explore how climate change will affect life in London, and what this will mean for the people you work with, and the work you do.


The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) is looking for voluntary and community organisations to take part in the project from this autumn to July next year.


You’ll have the chance to work with climate change experts and others in your field to get to grips with this major societal challenge and prepare for the future. 


Application deadlines: 26 August (older people cohort) and 16 September (disabilities cohort). 


To find out more, contact Kate Damiral at NCVO, tel 020 7520 2540,

or visit



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