Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

August 2012 Blog Posts (6)

New Co-production interviews

Just wanted to let everyone know about a number of co-production videos we've recently produced. They include:


  1. Jude Wells on Stockport Council's co-design of its Adult Social Care Website (click here)
  2. Helen Allen on how Community Catalysts help enterprising people co-produce local solutions (…

Added by Frankie Hine-Hughes on August 31, 2012 at 15:00 — No Comments

Inaugural meeting of the Wales Co-Production Network - Swansea October 4th

Wales now has the largest regional group in the national Co-production Practitioners' Network!

The inaugural meeting of the Wales Co-production Network will take place on Thursday 4th October in Swansea Civic Centre, from 3.30 to 5.30 (Committee Room 2). All comers welcome – members and non-members, from Wales and across the border. Feel free to pass on the invite to…


Added by Noreen Blanluet on August 13, 2012 at 17:28 — No Comments

Leicestershire County Council's Timebank

Hello, i just wanted to let practitoners know about the new Timebank that we have launched here @ LCC.

Its aimed initially at organisations that operate in the social care, health and community sectors as an oportunity for them to share the skills and assets that they posses, to further their own business aims, and the aims of people who access their services.

It's early days but the sign up has been good with over 20 organisations signing up in the first few weeks, with loads of…


Added by james oflynn on August 9, 2012 at 12:27 — 1 Comment

Using a WELL-BEING approach to evaluating your work

How can you measure well-being?

Could I design a well-being questionnaire to evaluate my work?

How would I analyse and make the most of the results?

The Centre for Well-being at the new economics foundation have just released a Guide for Practitioners, answering these questions. It is designed primarily for voluntary…


Added by Sarah Lyall on August 7, 2012 at 14:14 — No Comments

Co-production in Essex: learning from the ecdp

(n.b. this is a post by Lucie Stephens, put up by me while she is on holiday!)

Towards the end of June I visited ecdp (essex coalition of disabled people) a user led organization based in Chelmsford as part of our work with the People Powered Health Programme. The organization was established in 1995 and 100% of their board members have a self-declared impairment. They have 2,041 members, 134 volunteers and 28 staff. They also play a strong role in directly delivering paid for…


Added by Julia on August 7, 2012 at 9:13 — No Comments

All in this Together 3: now booking!

An entirely unmissable event, sponsored by the Welsh Government’s People and Environment Team.

Put it in your diaries, cancel everything else, and book here via …


Added by Ruth Dineen on August 2, 2012 at 14:33 — No Comments

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