I work with people who have a learning disability, my interests are:
Developing Citizen Directed methods of support in the community
Buiding more resilient sustainable communities
Web supported organisation
Organisation without organisations
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Epic! Yes it was a good meeting, especially Mark Drakeford's presentation which was a wonderful rallying cry. Spice are organising the next session - hope to meet you at that. Sounds as if you are already doing interesting co-pro work. If there are any projects you are involved in which would be relevant to the Co-production Resource I'm involved in, do let me know.
Comment Wall (2 comments)
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Epic! Yes it was a good meeting, especially Mark Drakeford's presentation which was a wonderful rallying cry. Spice are organising the next session - hope to meet you at that. Sounds as if you are already doing interesting co-pro work. If there are any projects you are involved in which would be relevant to the Co-production Resource I'm involved in, do let me know.
Hi Rick
When you have chance (and if you aren't already a member) do join the Wales Group (under 'Networking') - it's starting to take off!