Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

New Event: Coproduction and Housing at nef!

Co-production describes a different way of working, where professionals and people who receive support work together, pooling their experience and resources in an equal and reciprocal way to get things done. There has been increasing interest and practical experimentation from a number of housing organisations into this approach. In times of increasingly tight budgets co-production can offer a way of generating better outcomes for residents whilst deploying staff in a more cost effective way.

nef would like to invite you to an invitation only seminar for housing providers and policy makers to further explore the opportunities for co-production in housing. The seminar will aim to

  • explore practical examples of co-production in housing and how it can be applied to improve outcomes for residents, and benefit housing organisations too
  • discuss how co-production might be applied in a range of housing settings
  • identify what the sector’s specific opportunities and challenges might be to engaging further with co-production approaches.

Colleagues from the housing sector and nef’s co-production team will be able to provide insights into recent activity in this area, and provide early learning from current work.


there is limited avaliability, so it will be first come first serve. Sign up quickly to sensure you get a place here;


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