Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Here comes the revolution! Co-producing Wales...

Tomorrow we send the Open Letter to the Welsh Government asking that co-pro principles are placed at the heart of our public services. 256 signatures from orgnaisations and individuals in Wales, and 25 supporting statements from USA, Canada, Australia, Scotland and England. Makes for a cheering and revolutionary read.

To view the letter in English and in Welsh accompanied by the 256 signature... (opens a pdf).

To read Edgar Cahn and Chris Gray's statement of support, click here (opens a pdf).

To read all the other statements of support, click here (opens a pdf).

BBC Wales will be featuring the campaign on Wales Today (BBC1) at 6.30pm on 1st  May, with a focus on Swansea' s Time 2 Meet. The campaign will also be featured on Newyddion (S4C) at 9.00pm on 1st May, with a focus on Glyncoch Communities First initiatives. Health Minister Mark Drakeford kindly agreed to be interviewed for both these programmes. There may also be a mention on Good Morning Wales (BBC Radio Wales) at 6am on 1st May - (which means that Noreen has to get up at crack of sparrows!) - to be confirmed

Click on Wales is featuring the campaign: 'Recovering Welsh traditions of co-operation and community'.

The Guardian Social Care Network will be publishing an item on co-production and the Open Letter on Thursday and the Western Mail / Wales Online ran an article on the campaign today. (Links to come.)

We are also supported by Cardiff Third Sector Council who have posted about the campaign here and by the WCVA  who have written about their support for the campaign here.

If you feel moved to comment on or respond to the online articles, thanks for your support!

And please do tweet, post, email, and tell the world in general about this. The more noise the better! (We tweet as @WalesCoPro, and we will retweet you!)

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