Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Lee Gregory
  • Cardiff, Wales
  • United Kingdom
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  • Ruth Dineen

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Improving health through participation: time banks as a site for co-produciton

My thesis is now available online for those brave enough to try and read it (it is pretty lengthy). There will be shorter dissemination pieces in the near future which people may wish to wait and…Continue

Started Apr 17, 2013


Lee Gregory's Page

Profile Information

University of Birmingham - Institute of Applied Social Studies
Higher Education
Background to your work
Lee submitted his PhD at Cardiff University in September 2012. The title of the thesis was Improving health and social care delivery through participation: time banks as a site for co-production. Key findings focused around the role of time banking in tackling depression and social isolation in community settings, the use of time banking to develop co-production within the public sector and the theoretical similarities and distinctiveness between time banking and the “Big Society”. During which he also became an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Between September 2012 – September 2013 Lee was a Lecturer in Social Policy at the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol.

Prior to submitting his PhD, Lee worked on a research project exploring he development of the Credit Union movement in Wales, linking an interest in asset-based welfare with his interest in community, poverty and alternative forms of welfare provision. He has also spent time working in the Welsh Assembly Government and in Community Development work.

Personal website:

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At 8:52 on November 4, 2019, abiola bawuah said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ) for the full details,
Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.
Mrs Abiola.

At 12:04 on November 2, 2012, Ruth Dineen said…

Hi Lee


And Nick Johns from Cardiff Uni has just offered to set up a co-pro academic network. I've forwarded him your name (but I think I only have your CU email address?) - hope that's ok. Exciting times!


At 22:07 on November 1, 2012, Ruth Dineen said…

Hi Lee

Just enjoyed your Time-banking article in Contemporary Wales - really interesting stuff, especially the issue about political or technical goals. Is it likely to be available electronically soon? There are several people I'd like to pass it on to. And you might want to link up with Katie Collins from UWE who has just joined the Wales group. She has just published a great paper on power and participation. You two would make a brilliant radical team! We could really do with a co-pro academic network to get these debates going - might just put out a call to All in this Together members and see who turns up. Would you be interested?




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