Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

There are some interesting workshops at the Wales Public Services 2025 Conference on 26th September that may be of interest to the co-pro community. Open letter signatory Lisa Curtice of the Alliance in Scotland will be talking about people powered heath; Ben Lucas of the Public Services Hub at the RSA will be talking about the different ways in which councils in England have responded to the cuts.  We also have Sir Paul Williams who is chairing the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery.  There is also a new WPS2025 commissioned paper from the IFS that is likely to paint a compelling financial case for changing the status quo.

A bit of a shameless plug as I'm afraid there's a £95 delegate fee (not terribly consistent with the co-pro ethos I know). I'll post copies of slides and share any exciting stuff. I know that Ruth and Noreen have already booked so the co-pro community will be represented.

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Thanks for this reminder/update's a really good line-up and great to have our Scottish colleagues represented. There's more and more interest in co-pro springing up from NHS Wales too, and some great initiatives which could really put co-pro on the health map. Exciting times!


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