Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Interesting reading for co-pro's the jolly conclusion:
The basic purpose and nature of public service needs to be redefined. The key features of that redefinition are:
A clearer shared vision and sense of common purpose between government at all levels, citizens, and communities;
A much greater focus on co-production with citizens and communities to identify and implement means of pursuing those outcomes; and
Consequently, a much stronger emphasis on enablement, empowerment and prevention in the design and delivery of public services.
This is the only way of sustaining viable and high-quality public services. No public sector system can
continue to meet growing levels of demand for high-cost responsive services from declining real resources; the emphasis has to shift to reducing demand for such services through prevention and co-production. Even if those pressures did not exist, there would be a strong case in principle for making this kind of change and reconnecting government and public service more intimately with those that they serve, particularly in a small country. Ageing populations and shrinking budgets make that case absolutely unarguable.
So now we just need to do it!

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Many thanks for picking these out so soon. As well as critically important messages in themselves, a useful counterpoint to what most of the initial media is/will be about  (the "I don't want my Vale of Glamorgan/Monmouthshire/Ceredigion/Ynys Mon etc to merge with.............." response)

Martin Rolph

ps credibility not aided by "Governancy"!

Hi Martin! I think you're right re the majority of media responses. So we need to make a song and dance about the co-pro emphasis so that it doesn't get lost...How are things with you? R


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