Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Let joy be unbounded! The lovely folk at nef, along with the wonderful Helen Sharp from Lambeth Council, have offered to run their Co-pro Commissioning Masterclasses in Wales. The intention is to build a peer-support group of experts - the Jedi warriors of co-pro commissioning - who will help kick-start this outcomes-based way of working.

Contact us at Co-production Wales for more information (we are co-ordinating things at the Wales end) and/or Julia Slay at nef. This could be a game-changer!

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Great news Ruth. Keep me in the loop please. I will spread the word.


Great news, let us know when you have some dates and we'll share also. It will also be great for people to see who else is doing it in Wales and learn from each other as we do at the co-production meet-ups. WWNT N Wales Meetup 5 is in Deeside on 02.04.14 and then Meetup 6 in Porthcawl on 18.06.14 if anyone would like to 'top up their copro battery' as someone said about the last one!

Will do Jan and Fran - and thanks for spreading the word.

Fantastic!!! Well done!! Can't wait!



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