Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Co-production Asset Map for Wales – please help us create it!

 You are invited to join WCVA and Co-production Wales in creating an asset map of co-production in Wales on Tuesday 22 July 2014 at WCVA, Baltic House, Cardiff CF10 5FH. 10.00am – 1.00pm.
Our aim is to begin to find out who and what's out there and to create opportunities for greater collaboration and networking.
We know that you have a mass of knowledge and experience - about co-production theory and practice, about barriers, challenges, and, hopefully, some solutions. You might be able to offer training, resources or mentoring, or be interested in collaboration with others. Whatever your interest and involvement in co-production we would like to hear from you. 
If you would like to join us for this event then please email to book a place no later than Monday 14 July. Spaces are limited but if there is sufficient demand we will hold a repeat session. A further session will be held in north Wales in the Autumn. 
In preparation for the session (and for those who are unable to attend in person) we will be asking you to complete a short survey. This will be sent to you shortly.
Timetable of session
9.45am: Registration and refreshments
10.00am: Introduction and context setting
10.15am: What are you currently doing? – an exercise using Appreciative Inquiry
10.35am: Asset mapping
11.00am: Break
11.15am: Opportunities for collaboration
12.00pm: LUNCH
12.30pm: Pledges and actions
13.30pm: End of session
Hope to see you there! 
Ruth Dineen & Noreen Blanluet
Co-production Wales
Mandy Williams
Participation Cymru Manager

Views: 166

Replies to This Discussion

Great idea - I'll wait for the N Wales event. Send me the short survey though.

The sessions should use your published case studies as a start point, perhaps a pre-event mapping of what we already have?

The biggest asset is the amount of money local authorities spend on commissioning services (and in fact providing in-house services) so any measure of this amount by LA would show capacity in the system. Perhaps WLGA could attend? WCVA have a standing paper on commissioning which this event could use to change the focus of the paper towards co-production as a mechanism to deliver more efficient public services.

The Wales Co-operative are currently running a survey on a manifesto for social enterprises. We all need to respond to this and back co-production as one way of developing soc ent services.


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