Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners

Next Coproduction Practitioners' Network Meeting in London: Young people's services, public sector challenges and more!

The next coproduction practitioners’ network meeting in London is going to be held on the 19th of June at Lambeth Town Hall in Brixton.

Following on from the last very informative and interesting event hosted by Christopher Geake at Praxis in Bethnal Green, we have been invited to Brixton by Helen Sharp, the commissioning manager for Young People's services, to talk about coproduction in young people's services and the challenges of coproduction in the public sector more broadly.

The agenda so far is shaping up really nicely:

  • Helen will be talking about work that she is doing with nef on embedding coproduction throughout their youth services using the Outcomes Based Commissioning framework

  • We'll then have an interactive action-learning session on 'The Challenges of Coproduction in the Public Sector' led by Helen along with Hannah Jameson and Matthew Skinner (also from Lambeth Council). There will be facilitated discussion of interesting new coproduced projects and how they can be taken further. Why not check out Lambeth's Cooperative Toolkit in advance of this if you haven't already?

The final part of agenda for the morning has been left open for you to set with your suggestions for themes, questions you want answering and/or work you would like to present. Please email us at if you would like to make any suggestions before the day.

Register here to attend.

Hope to see many of you there!


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