Co-production practitioners network
A network for co-production practitioners
We would like to invite members of the London co-production practitioners network to NEF’s new offices (10 Salamanca Place, Vauxhall) on Wednesday the 29th July from 13:00-15:00 to discuss the theory and the practice of evidencing the impact of co-production.
The session will consist of presentations by three speakers (details below) followed by a Q&A and discussion – ending with refreshments, tea and coffee.
The speakers will share their experience of working to evidence impact, but will also look to draw upon your own experience and expertise to engage in a collaborative discussion.
If you have any particular topics you would like to discuss around this issue, please email
Formerly working at NEF, Juliette Hough is an independent researcher with extensive experience of conducting evaluations in the voluntary and community sector. As a researcher at NEF, she led on the evaluation of Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network's pilot co-production project working with ethnic minority groups at high risk of cardiovascular disease in Wandsworth. She will set out some unique challenges to evaluating co-produced projects, some useful methods, and talk about the lessons she learnt conducting the WCEN evaluation.
Johanna Wilson is a graduate trainee at Charityworks - on placement at Together for Mental Wellbeing, within both the Service User Involvement Directorate and Quality Improvement teams. She will talk about some of the work Together has done around co-production and evidencing its impact, as well as a few of the challenges this has raised, including her involvement in a Social Return on Investment analysis of peer support, a service user Self-Management Steering Group and the creation of an audit form around involvement and impact.
Holly Welsh is also a graduate trainee at Charityworks who is working across the innovation and communication teams at Richmond Fellowship. She has been particularly involved in two strands of work at Richmond Fellowship, looking at co-production at a local, service level, and at a larger organisational level, where she has worked with Rachel Perkins from ImROC. Her interest in co-production arises from its potential to empower individuals by validating their contributions, improving their self-worth and well-being and increasing wider civic participation - particularly in the context of mental health services. Holly will present some of the challenges she has faced around embedding co-production at an organisational level and co-producing evaluation as a means to evidence impact.
To register a place, please follow to the ‘event-brite’ link below:
Please note that attendance is capped at 40 people. If you register and cannot attend do let Adrian Bua know at the email below so that people on the waiting list may be offered a place.
Any further enquiries do not hesitate to contact
Looking forward to seeing you there!
© 2025 Created by Lucie Stephens.
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