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Paul Booth
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Profile Information

Cumbria Mental Health Group
Mental Health
Background to your work
Cumbria Mental Health Group is an independent service user and carer owned and run charity in Cumbria. We have a service user and carer engagement and participation contract with both our county council and primary care trust commissioners and are developing initial working arrangements with the newly emerging GP commissioning consortiums and LinK (Healthwatch).

We have been championing practical co-production working relationships with commissioners and providers in Cumbria for many years, actively seeking additional funding and expertise to develop training for service users and carers to either co train or directly train service users, carers and professionals.

We want to drive the agenda; to spread the concept, develop the climate and change the culture to enable co-production to be imbedded into the way that people work together in Cumbria to develop cost effective mental health and wellbeing services that deliver optimum outcomes in the best interest of service users and carers.

As a person, one of many in our organisation, who has been through the acute recovery pathway or has cared for someone who has been and have a professional training and management background we are pioneering and championing this co-production working.

We have broken some key ground this year - breaking down ingrained stereo types, overturning old ways of thinking and working for both service users and carers and professionals.

We are passionate about delivering measurable outcomes to improve commissioning and provision. These range from prevention, early intervention and integrated recovery pathways. We have had to sometimes force the agenda and ensure that people respect and understand the contribution we can make to work with professionals equal and respected partners .

Cumbria Mental Health Review Group, where service users and carers lead groups of interested people in the community including other service users and carers, politicians and medical professionals has recently been awarded part funding by Comic Relief.

These groups are tasked with co-producing deliverable solutions to some of the most intractable problems and missed opportunities that have not been resolved in Cumbria for many years.

These include: Mental Health and Wellbeing in relation to :
• employment and financial inclusion
• suicide and prevention medication
• criminal justice
• armed services
integrated recovery care pathways including both the medical model and social outcomes for:
• psychosis
• non psychosis
• and dementia
• out of area placements

At present we have nine workgroups at various stages of co-production and we have another seven that service users and carers have identified as key focus areas that need addressing and that they want to work on.

As an organisation we are moving the service user and carer engagement and participation agenda on from at many times seemingly tick box and tokenistic consultation and lobbying exercises to mutually respectful and challenging joint working with our communities, business, statutory, third and voluntary individuals and organisations to solve problems and to take service commissioning and provision forward into the next decade.

Many of our members are involved with various organisations as Members, Governors and Trustees of providers including our NHS Foundation Trust and third sector providers and hold executive positions on national bodies including Mind.

As being totally independent from provision we have a unique, open and transparent relationship with both providers and commissioners.

Any help, direction, training, funding or putting us in contact with other organisations like ourselves who are pioneering co-production in Mental Health would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Paul Booth's Blog

Coproduction Mental Health Service Development Training

An Introduction to Coproduction Training Course was run in Kendal, Cumbria on 6th December hosted by Cumbria Mental Health Group deleveloped and delivered by Paul Booth. 26 Delegates including Mental Health Service Users, Carers, Third Sector care workers and NHS practitioners attended.

The course was very well recieved and following feedback and further developemmnt the introductory course and more detailed coproduction courses will be developed and delivered early next… Continue

Posted on December 9, 2010 at 3:32

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At 8:53 on November 4, 2019, abiola bawuah said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on this email( ) for the full details,
Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.
Mrs Abiola.


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