Co-production practitioners network
A network for co-production practitioners
SCIE is just starting a project to update our research briefing on co-production in social care and produce a new guide to Co-production in an age of austerity. We’re looking for one or two…Continue
Started Mar 26, 2012
SCIE's National Co-production Week is the first event of its kind, celebrating the benefits of co-production, sharing good practice and highlighting the contribution of people who use services and carers in developing better public services.
SCIE will mark the week but holding an Introduction to co-production training session on 30 June in central London, sharing good practice online and through social media and holding a co-production festival with members of its Co-production…
ContinuePosted on April 28, 2016 at 14:29
“What the hell am I doing? This is going to be a complete disaster.” These were my worst fears in the summer for filming SCIE's new co-production films to support “ Co-production in social care: What it is and how to do it.”
This is a major new guide to co-production which meets the standards for NHS Accreditation. The guide includes 11 films on co-production and there is an At a glance summary, which has been developed in partnership with Think Local, Act Personal. We’ve tried to…
ContinuePosted on October 28, 2013 at 15:12 — 1 Comment
It’s probably not the best metaphor to use so close to the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic, but it’s full steam ahead for a new co-production policy at SCIE (the Social Care Institute for Excellence).
SCIE's board approved a policy of working towards doing all our work in co-production with service users and carers last year and the implementation began with the appointment of Tina Coldham, a new service user representative to the board, in February. Tina’s role will include…
ContinuePosted on April 16, 2012 at 10:59 — 2 Comments
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hello Michael and welcome to the co-production practitioners network, thanks for joining us!
The practitioners network is supported by nef but all content is developed by members, for members. Do have a good look around and get involved.
Some of the following areas are good starting points;
Network groups – based loosely around geographical regions or interest themes, they also host face to face meetings. If you don’t find something for your area or interest then please set up a new group. There are a number of meetings planned for April/ May so perhaps you want to provide an update on the SCIE work as part of the agenda of these?
Resources and Videos will give you access to the latest documents supporting co-production and bring you face to face with those putting it into practice. Please add your own materials to increase the knowledge base - we'd be particularly interested to hear how the work goes on updating the research briefing - do you think this is something you might be prepared to blog about as it progresses?
The Blog carries the latest news, debate and opportunities for co-production practitioners. See what’s going on, add in your own comments or start a new thread. I see you've put your info on the discussion group and am afraid to say I don't think people look at these too much. Perhaps you could post the same thing up as a short blog on the front page so that more people will see it!
nef is currently working on topics raised by network members: gathering the evidence base for co-production; developing practical approaches to commission co-production; delivering presentations and workshops for people who are interested in co-production. Get in touch if you want to know more or contribute.
It would really help to know how you heard about the network and what motivated you to join. Please let me know at that way we can make sure we’re reaching as many co-production practitioners as possible. Also, please share the details of the network with colleagues or contacts you think would be interested.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Head of Co-production, nef