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Scrap.' Use your mind-map of facts to write a description of Big Joe. Private Peaceful is a novel for older children by Michael Morpurgo, first published in 2003. His eldest brother, "Big Joe", has learning difficulties due to brain damage at birth, and The rest of the story describes the brothers' experiences of the war: their By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The episode ends with Tommo's description of the death of his father, for which he feels responsible. Characters: Tommo. Charlie. Mother. Father. Big Joe. Molly. I can write a description of a key character. Task 1: Words Within Words. Look at the letters in the title of the chapter, Big Joe's Family of Animals. What words can Novel Notes. Private Peaceful mother, his older brother Charlie, his eldest brother Big Joe and his friend Molly. A PDF resource on the novel from the UK Booktrust charity: Write down five of your own words to describe Big Joe. 3.Characters. • Tommo. • Mother. • Colonel. • Charlie. • Big Joe. • Grandma Wolf There is a lack of physical description of characters, instead Tommo focuses Context – Private Peaceful was written by Michael Morpurgo and was first published in 2003. Big Joe, his eldest brother, is different in some way. Tommo Jan 5, 2019 - Jan 5, 2019 -
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