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Weg cfw 09 inverter manual
















The WEG CFW-09 Series of Variable Speed Drives incorporate the world's most advanced technology in drives for three-phase AC induction motors. The Vectrue Technology™ represents a siginificant advancement, allowing this new generation of WEG inverters to combine V/F, Sensorless Vector and Closed Loop Vector (with encoder) control Serie: CFW-09 Software: versao 3.3X 0899.5180 P/10 MANUAL DO INVERSOR DE FREQUENCIA ATENCAO! E muito importante conferir se a versao de software do inversor e igual a indicada acima. 02/2006. Sumario das revisoes A informacao abaixo descreve as revisoes ocorridas neste manual. Revisao Descricao da revisao Capitulo 1 Primeira revisao - 2 Acrescimo das funcoes Fieldbus e Manual De Usuario Weg Cfw 09 CFW-08 Ratings for Single-phase Power Supply Maximum Input RMS CFW-08 Motors / Energy / Automation / Coatings Frequency Inverter Convertidor de Frecuencia WEG Cfw 09 Manual Del Usuario 0899.5307 4.4x Manual Espanol. Cilindro - pistao Reservatorio de estocagem. Tipos de juncao WEG Cfw 08 Manual Do Usuario 0899 CFW09 Vectrue Inverter Variable Frequency Drives Applications JPumps J Fans / Blowers J Conveyors J Compressors JAgitators and Mixers J Extruders J Grizzly Feeders J Centrifuges J Cranes and Hoists J Rollout Tables J Presses J Saws The WEG CFW09 Series of Variable Frequency Drives incorporates the world's most advanced WEG Automation CFW-09 AC Frequency Inverter for 55kW (75HP) 400V 3 Ph motor in VxF or Sensorless Vector Control control to 105A at high overload, operates in VxF or Sensorless Flux Vector control. Simple to set-up for a standard AC Induction motor. Overload - 150% x 60 seconds every 10 minutes. Speed Control Range - 0-100Hz. Braking - none Easy Start Guide This guide is intended to compliment the user manual provided by the manufacturer. It is provided as a basic introduction to the product for Inverter Drive Supermarket customers. Motors I Automation I Energy I Transmission & Distribution I Coatings Frequency Inverter CFW300 V1.2X Programming Manual The user's manual and the parameters quick reference are supplied in a hard copy together with the inverter. The user guides are also provided in a hard copy along with the accessories. The other manuals are included on the CD supplied with the inverter or can be downloaded from the WEG website at - The CD Esta ERRATA establece correcciones para lo manual del Convertidor de Frecuencia CFW-09 version 2.6X item 0899.4783 S/7. Las especificaciones tecnicas descriptas en los itenes 9.1.1, 9.1.2 y 9.1.3 del manual debe ser desconsideradas para los modelos presentados en esto documento y substituidas por las tablas A, B ou C correspondientes. CFW-11 frequency inverter series. It is also possible to operate the CFW-11 in the following control modes: VVW, Sensorless Vector and Vector with Encoder. For further details on the inverter operation with other control modes, refer to the Software Manual. You searched for: "WEG-cfw-09-manual-frequency-inverter-10001151840-v4.40-manual-english.pdf" on (All)

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