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Weber b fracture management pdf
















JAAOS, Volume 24, No. 9. surgical management is indicated. The goal of surgery is to obtain a stable reduction to promote development of the femoral head and acetabulum while avoiding osteonecrosis of the femoral head and the need for further surgery. Weber B ankle fractures were defined Classifications in Brief: Lauge-Hansen Classification of Ankle Fractures in patients with Weber B fractures with a syndesmosis injury treated with a 3.5 mm tricortical set screw or with the A Cochrane review on the rehabilitation for ankle fractures in adults conducted in 2008 demonstrated early commencement of exercise in a removable brace or splint significantly improved activity Treatment of ankle fractures is often based on fracture type and surgeon's individual judgment. Literature concerning the treatment options and outcome are dated and frequently contradicting. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and functional outcome after AO-Weber B-type ankle Ankle fractures are increasingly common injuries that necessitate a careful approach for proper management. Over five million ankle injuries occur each year in the United States alone [1]. The incidence of ankle fractures is approximately 187 fractures per 100,000 people each year [1]. Since the mid A fracture is an interruption of the continuity of bone, this page will discuss ankle and foot fractures and the role that physiotherapists play in the rehabiliation of such injuries. Fractures of the ankle joint are common amongst adults. Kannus et al. report an incidence of up to 174 cases per 100 Two patients had posterior malleolar fractures involving less than 20% of the articular surface. 4. Discussion. Weber type B ankle fractures are the most common of the three types of Weber fractures. A significant proportion of these fractures occurs in elderly patients, and the management becomes complicated when the bones are osteoporotic. What is a Weber A fracture? This is a small break (fracture) of your ankle. There are many different types of fractures of the ankle. A Weber A is a simple fracture to the bottom part of the fibula (bone on the outer part of your leg). Fortunately, your fracture is minor and does not require an operation or plaster cast to treat it successfully. Syndesmotic instability in conjunction with unstable Weber B SE pattern lateral malleolar fractures must be sought out in the operating room with an intraoperative stress examination. From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA. The Danis-Weber classification (often known just as the Weber classification) is a method of describing ankle fractures.It has three categories: Type A. Fracture of the lateral malleolus distal to the syndesmosis (the connection between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula).Typical features: below level of the ankle joint ankle fracture and unstable syndesmosis resulted in a low malreduction rate and both methods maintained reduction well. In conclusion, stable Weber B-type fibula fractures can safely be treated with only three weeks of cast immobilization or even with a simple orthosis. A syndesmosis injury in SER ankle fractures Check for tenderness of the medial malleolus to test if the deltoid ligament is ruptured. If the fracture starts at the ankle and runs proximal to the joint it is a Weber B, if the fracture of the fibula is above the syndesmosis the fracture is classified as Weber C. Check for tenderness of the medi

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