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Tie-dye instructions dharma














dharma fiber reactive dye
jacquard tie dye instructions



Jun 15, 2015 -Step by Step Instructions: Pre-Wash your fabric. Dissolve your dye. Pour the required amount of the Non-Iodized Salt* into the dye bath (1 cup/gallon of water for most colors except Blacks (for blacks, use 1.5 to 2 cups salt/gal of water). Add the Soda Ash. Rinse & wash out excess dye. Dharma Trading Co. 1-800-542-5227. TIE-DYEBASICS. STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS. WATER. DYE. DYE*. DYE**. UREA. 1 cup. Dharma Trading Co. - Groups small and large, old and young - tie-dye is easy and fun! Here's how to get great results. Use - 1 cup (8 oz.) of Soda Ash Fixer per gallon of warm water. A gallon will soak 10-12 adult XL tees - so way more kids tees, fewer dresses, etc. Soak the tied garments about 5-15 minutes. See more ideas about How to dye fabric, How to tie dye and Fabric. Solid Color Dyeing Instructions from Dharma Trading Company 'Tub Dyeing' how-to Dyed. Everything you need for your Tie-Dye project: Dyes, color enrichments, fixers, clothing blanks, and more! Tie-dye describes a pattern of color made by preventing

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