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The thoracic skeleton consists of 12 thoracic vertebrae (p. 8), 12 pairs of ribs with costal cartilages, and the sternum. In addition to participating in respiratory movements, it provides a measure of protection to vital organs. The female thorax is generally narrower and shorter than the male equivalent. The twelve thoracic vertebrae make up the middle portion of the vertebral column. Above are the cervical vertebrae and below are the lumbar, sacral Each thoracic vertebra articulates with a pair of ribs at facets (or small depressions) on the vertebral bodies and transverse processes (except at T11 The vertebral column extends from the skull to the pelvis and consists of 33 vertebrae, which are differentiated into five regions: the cervical spine The basic vertebra consists of a vertebral body (anterior), a vertebral arch (posterior), and a vertebral foramen, through which runs the spinal cord. Anatomy of thoracic vertebra. 1. presenter : dr. sandeep tripathi moderator : prof r. nandakumar. 2. •12 thoracic vertebra • Typical thoracic are 2-9. 3. • Vertebral body is heart shaped. • Presence of demi-facets on the sides of each vertebral body - these articulate with the The thoracic vertebrae are bones located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae. In the thoracic vertebrae, the spinous processes are long and triangular. These processes are also overlapping. They have pedicles that are angled backward and upward, with thick, broad laminae. The vertebral column usually consists of 33 vertebrae: 24 presacral vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 The 24 presacral vertebrae allow movement and hence render the vertebral column flexible. Numerous case studies on anatomy have been described by E. Lachman (Case Studies in Gauging trunk alignment Pathologic anatomy of scoliosis Section through scoliotic vertebrae; d creased vertebral height and disc thickness on concave side Several Common Abnormal Curvatures of the Spine Lamina thinner, vertebral canal narrower on concave side Disorder Definition Etiology This robust, interactive atlas includes hundreds of Netter illustrations and images, as well as audio pronunciations for every label, image title and image subtitle see Great for initial learning, study, and exam review! Netter's Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy, v3.0 provides the depth, accuracy and The thoracic spine is the second segment of the vertebral column, located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae. It consists of twelve vertebrae, which are separated by fibrocartilaginous intervertebral discs. As part of the bony thorax, the thoracic vertebrae help protect the internal The thoracic spinal column includes 12 vertebrae located between the neck and lower back. While the thoracic spine is less prone to injury than other sections of the vertebral column, it is the most common location for vertebral fracture due Why take time to learn about thoracic spinal anatomy? 100 Concepts in Clinical Anatomy Kyphosis is an exaggeration of the thoracic curvature that may occur in elderly persons as a result of osteoporosis 130deg Degenerative osteoarthritis: Spondylosis: immobility or fusion of vertebral joints Spondylolysis: degeneration of articulating part of vertebrae Before describing the anatomy of the heart, it is helpful to review other anatomic features of the thoracic cavity and organs. The thorax is bounded posteriorly by the bodies of the 12 thoracic vertebrae and the
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