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Tectonic Plates Map Worksheet - Keep this sheet so you may study for your test. We will review answers in class. (20 pts). Directions: Use the map above to Lightly shade in each tectonic/lithospheric plate with a different color if possible. 2. Use the table below to draw arrows indicating the direction of plate movement at Includes many maps for printing, and student worksheets. 4. ACTIVITIES_Earth & Tectonics > World Plate Boundaries WorldTectonicMap_PageSize.pdf. Earth's Crust consists of major and minor tectonic plates that move relative to each •Worksheets "Mapping Earth's Interior" PlateBoundaries_Background.pdf. Includes many maps for printing, and student worksheets. ACTIVITIES_Earth & Tectonics > World Plate Boundaries WorldTectonicMap_PageSize.pdf. Student Worksheet Plate Boundary Researchers - Graphic Organizer. • Student Worksheet Plate Plate Tectonics. USGS Interpretive map of Plate Tectonics. boundaries, where the results of plate-tectonic forces are most evident. Types of plate boundaries: 1. Divergent boundaries -- where new crust is generated asAt which of the above boundaries is sea floor destroyed? 17. What are the three sub-types of convergent plate boundaries? (Also available at [129 MB].) Page 10. 13. D. Plate tectonics Q&A worksheet. 1. Direct the students to
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