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Stago sta compact max manual
















STAGO STA COMPACT MAX 2015 SYSTEM FULLY FUNCTIONAL RECENTLY HAD ITS PM. Pre-Owned. $6,750.00. Diagnostica Stago STA-R Evolution Hemostasis System With Manuals & Software. Pre-Owned. $5,900.00. or Best Offer. Diagnostica STAGO STA Compact #27421 Suction Rubber Head Parts Qty: 3 Units New STA® Family of Hemostasis Analyzers Stago Added Value on Request (SAVORTM) The STA Compact Max takes innovation to the next level by adding state of the art data automation with the Expert Module software. The combination of VDS methodology and the Expert Module on the STA STA Compact Max 3: Increasing your lab efficiency. The Stago Max Generation analyser family continues to advance with the launch of the STA Compact Max 3, offering significant performance improvements and adding the Expert Pre-analytical Check (EPC) module. Read more stago star max 3stago coagulation analyzer stago start max manual stago sta compact max manual stago star evolution throughput stago sta satellite user manual University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust relies on Stago's STA-R Evolution® instruments for measurement of blood coagulation parameters. Looking for diagnostica stago compact user's manual? Download diagnostica stago compact user's manual. diagnostica stago compact user's manual. rainbow beach fishing guides emerson spectrum manual wpf browser application tutorial 2001 sv650 online manual assql tutorial guide mobiles gps ishan malaysian spa travel guide residential smoke detector installation guide xe-a101 manual diagnostica STA Compact Max® System New-born of the STA® IDPLO WKH 67$ &RPSDFW 0D[® is a bench top analyser, designed for mid-volume throughput laboratories and VXLWDEOH IRU XVH LQ URXWLQH VSHFLDOW +DHPRVWDVLV WHVWLQJ 7KH ZRUNVWDWLRQ HUJRQRPLFV DQG H[SHUWLVH RQ ERDUG HQKDQFH efficiency and productivity of the lab and allow a seamless integration for the staff. Welcome to your Stago Area. Username: Password: The Basic Operator Training Course is available for the newly designated "lead technologist" or "key operator" of Stago Instruments or when there is a need to have additional personnel (beyond contract specifications) receive the training. Price includes transportation, hotel, meals, and training manuals. The STA Compact Max is a fully automated benchtop analyzer built on the most reliable platform in the industry. With an expansive test menu, the Compact Max is a robust, high-efficiency analyzer with enhanced throughput making it the perfect system offering for mid-sized laboratories. Stago's service obligation: Response time: Stago undertakes to response within 2 hours following customer's request for assistance, by informing customer of any identified reason for the instrument default and possible solution to cure such default. Currently our hot line response time is average 20 minutes. Max Efficiency. Samples and reagents management have additionally been enhanced and streamlined in the STA Compact Max® 3 for an even better Efficiency. Routine and specialised tests can be ran side by side and Stago's Wide range of ready-to-use and highly stable liquid reagents minimises preparation time. Thanks to its proven reliability, the STA Compact ® suits the requirements of a wide variety of Coagulation laboratories around the world. DIAGNOSTICA STAGO's External Quality Control Program (STA ® QCE) gives worldwide system users access to peer review by comparing, twice a year, its results to those of other laboratories. Thanks to its proven r

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