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Socomec diris ap manual pdf
















DIRIS D-30 RJ9 DIRIS B-30 F ? 6.2. ? & % ? 24 VDC (??' )* * RS485 NC Digiware LIYCY-CY SLAVE 24 V SUPPLY 24 VDC (20 W max) Digiware Bus Digiware Bus Termination DIRIS Digiware D-40 PC Digiware Bus e D-40 g * 6.3. ? ' % ? 24 VDC (??' )* * Digiware Bus Termination DIRIS Digiware D-50 PC ??) ? ? DIRIS B DIRIS ??K+9 RS485 NC Ensure power supply security and continuity for the data center; Adapt the electrical infrastructure to the constantly evolving demands of IT applications The DIRIS A is a panel-mounted power monitoring device (PMD). It is designed for measuring, monitoring and reporting electrical energy. The DIRIS A- Socomec Diris Ap Multifunction energy meter Socomec Power Meters FAST FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER ? NOW ONLY!. The DIRIS A is a panel-mounted power monitoring device (PMD). It is designed for measuring, monitoring and reporting electrical energy. The DIRIS A- Socomec Diris Ap Multifunction energy meter Socomec Power Meters FAST FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER ? NOW ONLY!. The DIRIS A-40 is a panel-mounted power monitoring device (PMD). It is designed for measuring, monitoring and reporting electrical energy. The DIRIS A-40 offers a range of functions for measuring voltage, current, power, energy and quality. It allows the analysis of a single-phase or three-phase load. Advantages Assisted configuration The DIRIS A14 is an MID approved multifunction meter - for measuring electrical values in low voltage networks. It allows all electrical parameters to be displayed and utilised for communication and/or output functions. DIRIS A-20 units are performance metering and monitoring devices that provide the user with all of the measurements needed to complete energy efficient projects successfully and to provide assured monitoring of electrical distribution. All of this information can be used and analysed remotely with the help of energy efficiency software programs. The DIRIS A is a panel-mounted power monitoring device (PMD). It is designed for measuring, monitoring and reporting electrical energy. The DIRIS A- Socomec Diris Ap Multifunction energy meter Socomec Power Meters FAST FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER ? NOW ONLY!. The DIRIS A is a panel-mounted power monitoring device (PMD). It is designed for measuring, monitoring and reporting electrical energy. The DIRIS A- Socomec Diris Ap Multifunction energy meter Socomec Power Meters FAST FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER ? NOW ONLY!. DIRIS A40 and A41, with its six direct access keys and LCD displays, helps you use all the parameters in an LV or HV installation . These parameters can be centralized on a PC or PLC through an RS 485 link using JBUS/MODBUS Buy Diris Ap multifunction energy meter 48250000. Browse our latest Miscellaneous offers. Manual Sanding & Sharpening (188) Mild Steel Tube, Sheets & Angles Brand Socomec; Technical Reference. DIRIS Ap2 Operating Instructions. Diris Ap Energy Meter Data Sheet. Legislation and Compliance. SOCOMEC General Catalogue 2012-2013 3 Multifunction meters DIRIS A40 / A41 A Plug-in modules diris_773_a DIRIS® A40 diris_774_a DIRIS® A41 diris_445_a_1_cat 2 configurable pulse outputs (type, weight and run) on ± kWh, ±kvarh and kVAh Pulse outputs • Ethernet link with MODBUS/TCP or JBUS/MODBUS RTU over TCP SOCOMEC General Catalogue 2012-2013 3 Multifunction meters DIRIS A40 / A41 A Plug-in modules diris_773_a DIRIS® A40 diris_774_a DIRIS® A41 diris_445_a_1_cat 2 configurable pulse outputs (type, weight and run) on ± kWh,

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