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Red Sea Aiptasia-X. Red Sea's new amazing Aiptasia-X solves the problems faced by many reefkeepers. Red Sea Aiptasia-X on ainulaadne paks liimsegu, mis akumuleerub kokkupuutel akvaariumiveega. Seda sustitakse holpsalt anemooni suuoone ketta lahedusse ja see stimuleerib anemooni materjali allaneelamist, pohjustamata selle valjatombumist. Red Sea Aiptasia-X kaufen - Mittel gegen Glasrosen und andere unerwunschte Anemonen (auch Krustenanemonen) - direkt bestellen im Meerwasser Shop bei The Aiptasia-X® kit includes a 60ml bottle of material plus an applicator set consisting of a syringe with two (straight and angled) lock-on Noua solutie impotriva Aiptasia de la Red Sea este complet reef-sage si toate substantele neconsumate de catre Aiptasia sunt inofensive pentru Excesul de substranta va disparea in timp in mod natural, fara consecinte adverse. Aiptasia-X include o sticluta de 60 ml de substanta si un set de Red Sea Aiptasia-X 2.02oz. roll over image to magnify. Availability In the interest of meeting your schedule, if 70% of your order is in stock, it will be shipped. Any missing items or substitutions will be marked on your order and your total will be adjusted accordingly. Aiptasia-X is the highly effective, long sought-after Aiptasia treatment every reef aquarist is looking for. Natural components form a uniquely thick, adhesive material : eliciting a feeding response in Aiptasia . The adhesive form also seals the anemone's mouth, preventing the release of planula, or larval stage 14.43 €. Manufacturer: Red Sea. Red Sea Aiptasia-X Guaranteed, Reef-Safe elimination of Aiptasia. Aiptasia-X is a unique, thick adhesive mixture that globulates on contact with the aquarium water. It is easily injected near to the oral disk of the anemone and stimulates the anemone to ingest the La Red Sea's Aiptasia-X e una formula brevettata, sicura per la barriera per il semplice ed efficace controllo dell'Aiptasia. L'Aiptasia-X e un composto unico di elementi naturali, in un miscuglio denso ed adesivo che si Aiptasia-X in eccesso si decomporra nel tempo senza causare danni alla barriera. I use Red Sea Aiptasia-X and it works, it says to stop flow in tank for a bit while it dissolves the Aiptasia. It works grat to keep GSP and Zoas from spreading for 2-3 months. I have had really good success with RedSea Aptasia-x and never had any spreading. I just turn off the pumps and it does well. Guaranteed, Reef-safe treatment of Aiptasia, offering A unique adhesive material Aiptasia does not retract during treatment Does not affect water chemistry Includes straight & angled applicator tips Eliminate Aiptasia with Aiptasia-X Red Sea has developed an exciting, patent-pending, formula to See details and exclusions - RED SEA AIPTASIA-X ELIMINATION AIPTASIA treatment 60ml kit /500ml refill bottle. See all 13 brand new listings.
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