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Instruction Set 229 Appendix A. Guidelines for 32 -bit Book E 371 A. 1 32-bit Book E Implementation Guidelines 371 A. 1.1 64-bit-Specific Book E Instructions It is derived from the former PowerPC Book E. Book VLE – Variable Length Encoded Instruction Architecture defines alternative instructions and definitions from For the full specification, please see the Power Instruction Set Architecture. PowerPC Book E has three address spaces: Effective, Virtual, and Real, which May 1, 2015 - Feb 24, 2005 - programming model and instruction set common to all PowerPC processors. PC architecture in four parts or “books” that allow software short e; /*Ox5152.Oct 27, 2011 - May 7, 2002 - Book E is a PowerPC™ architecture definition for embedded processors that ensures binary compatibility with the user-instruction set architecture (UISA) portion Mar 3, 2012 -
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