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Obs t-vct tank instructions
















OBS T-VCT Sub Ohm Tank Review and RBA Coil Build Tutorial. This is my review of the OBS T-VCT SUB OHM TANK & T-VCT RBA COIL KIT, these devices were sent to me for review purpose from: OBS T-VCT TANK Вот с такими настройками стримлю я (Arti25) OBS версии. Forums > E-Cigarette Product Reviews > E-Cigarette Reviews > Tank Reviews >. OBS T-VCT Sub Tank Review made by OBS. I won this tank on Youtube. I sold it on ebay and bought the Goliath V2. The Rba coil head is so bad meaning didn't work well. OBS T-VCT Tank (Subohm Alien Atomizer). Regular price. $ 18.99. The OBS T-VTC is a revolutionary subohm atomizer that is changing the vape game worldwide. This atomizer gives excellent flavor output with HUGE aromatic clouds. Tanks/Atomizers. Mods/Batteries. E-liquids. Get 10% Off U.S.A Warehouse Code: USwarehouse. News. [Pre-sell] OBS T-VCT Tank. 4.95 USD. The OBS V Sub-Ohm Tank is the latest superlative high-powered Sub-Ohm Tank, implementing the illustrious functionality and quality OBS has known with the addition of performance-orientated V OCC Coils System. 23.99 USD. The OBS T VCT Sub-Ohm Tank is a highly effective platform that integrates a large top filled 6ml tank capacity, independent juice control, and a multitude of coil options including a RBA base. The OBS T VCT Sub-Ohm features a massive 6ml tank capacity coupled with an easily accessible T-vct by obs: presentation and packaging. His Pyrex tank has an exceptional ability to 6 ml and this model has a no screws 510 classic. The first striking thing to notice about this T-VCT it is its remarkable finish, entirely in stainless steel, the machining proves perfect and without visible defects.

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