Co-production practitioners network
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The Foundations of Curriculumwhether they attempt to preserve or reshape society, curriculum policymakers are inescapably involved in a political act, for their positions will have some bearing upon who gets what, when and how now and in the future. ----William Lowe Boyd "The Politics of Curriculum Change and Stability" EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AS A "FOUNDATION" IN TEACHER EDUCATION: REFORMING AN OLD NOTION* Penelope L. Peterson, Christopher M. Clark, and W. Patrick Dickson ** The way in which teachers are educated and supported to meet the challenges of the 21st century has become a contended issue. In raising alarm, criticizing the status quo, and making Historical Foundations 5 KEYWORDS Constructivism: In learning theory, a set of assump-tions about human learning emphasizing the cen-tral role of the mind's active construction of new knowledge. Distance education: An educational program charac-terized by the separation, in time or place, between instructor and student and in which communica- Learn Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Curriculum from Commonwealth Education Trust. The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at Knowing the social foundations of curriculum is crucial in making decisions about what should be included in the curriculum and eventually what happens in the classroom. Schools exist within the context of society and influence culture which in turn shapes curriculum. A curriculum should be able to prepare students Chapter 3- Historical Foundations of Curriculum The Colonial Period:1642-1776 Massachusetts- "Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647 Middle Atlantic South Colonial Schools Town School Parochial and private Schools Latin Grammar Schools Boston Latin Grammar School 1635 The Academy College Textbooks and Readers The Hornbook The New England Primer The National Period: 1776-1850 Benjamin Rush Thomas The Sociological Foundation refers to issues from society that have an influence on curriculum. Since the school exists within a given society; and the fact that the 'products' of the school i.e. the 'graduates' go back to the society, makes the latter an inevitable determinant of the curriculum. Major Foundations of Curriculum Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum: Philosophy provides educators, teachers and curriculum makers with framework for planning, implementing and evaluating curriculum in school.I helps in answering what schools are for, what subjects are important, how students should learn and what WELCOME to the WordPress blog of my e-portfolio. This is one of my requirements for EDCI 620 : Foundations of Curriculum class under professor Raimond D. Luntungan. This portfolio consists of activities regarding four foundations of curriculum: philosophical, historical, psychological and sociological connections to curriculum as well as curriculum development and current issues and trends. Psychological Foundations of Education presents some of the principles of psychology that are relevant to learning and teaching. It presents an alternative answer to the problem of the bifurcation of general and educational psychology in the curriculum of teacher preparation. The Philosophical, Sociological, and Psychological Foundations of Curriculum. Golen, Steven A study evaluated the role of three curriculum foundational areas--philosophical, sociological, and psychological--with particular emphasi
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