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dental implant aftercare
Find out about implant healing, cleaning and long-term care. beforehand means that implant placement is a relatively simple minor surgical procedure. You will be given instructions by your dentist explaining how to look after your mouthThe day of your surgery, start with nourishing liquids and soft/colder foods, such as ice cream, pudding, yogurt, etc. Avoid extremely hot foods, foods with sharp If bleeding continues please call for further instructions. Swelling. Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery. To minimize swelling, apply an ice bag, or a plastic Jump to Will my recovery time be painful? - Feb 15, 2018 - Clean your mouth thoroughly after each meal beginning the day after surgery. Use a soft bristle toothbrush and toothpaste after meals and at bedtime. Should Here's everything you need to know about dental implant aftercare. You can expect a bit of swelling after dental surgery. We recommend placing an ice Follow the instructions on the packet, and you shouldn't go too far wrong. If you're in Apr 7, 2018 - Apr 7, 2018 - Implant Post-Operative Instructions. You have just completed the first Some oozing may occur for a day or two after the surgery. If implants are placed in the
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