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Dbs post op instructions














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Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Instructions. Dr. Nandan Lad. Schedule. 1. Planning for surgery: Outpatient fMRI imaging and pre-?op appointment. MRI Date Here are some suggestions for care after deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. We realize that it is impossible to anticipate all of the questions or problems that. Jun 5, 2018 - Battery Implant Surgery. Pre-operative Phase. Day of Outpatient Surgery. The Procedure. Post-Operative DBS Battery Implant Discharge Instructions. and CAT scan Date: Stage 2: Inpatient DBS electrode mapping and lead insertion Surgery: Pre-Operative Instructions for Stages 1, 2, 3. -Do not eat or drink 8/12. Discharge Instructions After. Deep Brain Stimulation. UCSF Center for the Surgical Treatment of Movement Disorders. What should I expect after surgery?Get information about what patients should do after Deep Brain Stimulation. discussion of DBS with family, friends, and health care team members, it is not a significant number of post-operative visits for both DBS programming and. Wound Care allow soap and water to drain over the chest wound, and you should use “baby shampoo” over scalp wounds. Blot the wound dry when you are finished and leave them open to air. Non-dissolvable sutures used on the scalp will be removed within 7-14 days after surgery.

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