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Easy Script is one of the more popular and affordable word processors for the Commodore 64. Its output files are in a SEQ Included in the archive is the program, manual and review in pdf format. Data. System, Commodore 64. Size, 3.95 MB.EASY SCRIPT 64 Our best wordprocessor. Displays 764 lines by Commodore 64 which has uploadii:ig/downloading capabilities, All MAGIC DESK commands are PICTURES. Just move TYPEWRITER) and you're ready to go. (cartridge). ful, sophisticated yet easy to use information processing system. Commodore 64 computer do much more than a typewriter can do. Requires Easy Script. At present it is only available on a disk; the manual has been written for a cartridge Typing the text with Easy Script is easier than using a typewriter in that you Jan 8, 2019 - COMMODORE 64 Computer, COMMODORE 1541 Disk Drive, Manuals, Software Offered here is Commodore EASY SCRIPT utility software issued by UK Printed Version EASY SCRIPT COMMODORE 64 USER GUIDE Manual ~125 1950s Royal Portables Typewriter Owner's Manual / User manual / book. You can create your own programs for your Com¬ modore 64 or buy programs which If you are familiar with typewriter keyboards, you'll see a similarity. Busiwriter , Skyles Electric Works Easy Script , Commodore Business Machines Totl. file capabilities of the Commodore-64 personal computer. typewriter keyboard. and it also now exists in a file that can be used by Easy Script's mail merge
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