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Buku clutch tuning instructions














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Buku Clutches has just released their all-new innovative Speed Tune Clutch. The new system allows you to independently adjust each clutch spring tension by Movie : Online Repair Repair Manuals Doc. Fitment: 1996-2003 XL, 1996-2007 Dyna ; 1996-2007 Touring,. The Buku clutch is ssssoooo easy to install and tune Buku Performance Products – 1/8 Scale Speed-Tune Clutch. Nothing to fancy with the packaging, a bag full of parts and instructions is what you'll get. Nov 25, 2011 - The Buku Speed Tune clutch has now been widely recognized as the single best performance clutch in the Nitro R/C world. It's being used by all levels of R/C Offroad Nitro Engine Forum - BuKu Speed Tune Clutch & RC Performance Products - Looking for any input on the buku clutch system. According to the instructions with the flywheel your best results come from the 3 shoes Oct 27, 2010 -Power output rises with RPM (to the limits that clutch tuning is significant). Nitro motors under throttle will Tuning Guidelines. To Correct a LAG: A lag can be

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