Co-production practitioners network

A network for co-production practitioners


How do I upload a video?

Videos can be found under the 'Resources' menu in the top navigation. If you click on to the Videos page you will be shown a list of videos, the most recently posted first. To add a new video click on the 'Add Videos' text in the top right hand corner of the page and you will be presented with 3 options:

  1. Upload a video from your hard drive by clicking on the video camera icon in the centre of the page. This will bring up a list of all the files on your computer from which you can select the right video to upload.
  2. To embed a video from YouTube, Vimeo or Hulu you need the 'embed' code that will look something like the example below:

    "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" alowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385">

    Don't worry that the above looks frightfully complicated! - all you need to do is copy and paste this code into the box provided. You can find the embed code in YouTube just underneath the video by clicking on the 'embed' button, in Vimeo in the top right hand corner of the video and in Hulu in the top left hand corner.

  3. You can upload videos via email or your phone by sending them to the personalised email provided.

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How can I add text to my profile to give more information about me and my work?

When you view your profile scroll down the central column to the section titled 'Text Box'. This box is free for you to customise in any way you choose giving you free reign to tell the co-production community about the fantastic work you do or how you like your coffee. You can also drag this text box to where you would like it to appear on your profile if you would like it to be more prominent.

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How can I sign up for email updates from the Co-production site?

Under the 'Profile' menu select 'Email Digest'. On this page you can select to receive a fortnightly update on all the news from the co-production site, for example: new blog posts, videos, photos and documents. All you need to do is enter your email into the box and select 'Yes' to receive the updates, then click 'Save'. To stop receiving email updates select 'No' and save the changes.

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How do I upload a document?

To upload a document scroll down the 'Resources' menu to 'Document Library' and click. At the bottom of the page is a blue button under the heading 'Upload Document' labeled 'Get Started'. Once you've clicked through to the Document Upload Form you can enter your document title and select the file you wish to upload form your computer. You also have the option to assign your document a category and relevant tags which will make it easier for your colleagues search for.

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How do I search for a document?

On the Document library page you can search for the document you want using 2 different methods:

  1. Selecting a category or tag from the lists below the search box and browsing the documents associated with that label
  2. Enter a search term into the search box on the 'Document Library' page (not the general ning search in the header). This search scans the text in all the uploaded documents and returns results listed in order of relevance, so the documents where this word appears most often appear at the top of the list.

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